samedi 19 mai 2007

Saturday 19th, MAY 2007


The ninth meeting of the Commission A opened with the adoption of the resolutions considered under item 12.7. The item 12.8 (prevention and control for noncommunicable diseases: implementation of the global strategy) was then opened to discussion. According to the WHO, 60% of diseases are noncommunicable. The focuses of the discussion was on the issue of alimentation and obesity, but other diseases were considered. Thailand and Norway proposed amendments. Consumers International and the Association Internationale de Conseils en Allaitement then took the floor. The former asks for encouraging the “breath feeding” as a protection against noncommunicable disease while the second proposed a convention on commercialisation of child food. The Resolution EB120.R.17 will finally be considered as a Conference Paper at the next meeting of the Committee.
The assembly then discussed the item 12.9 (Oral health : action plan for promotion and integrated disease prevention). All the countries recognized the necessity to consider the issue of oral health. Almost all States gave their consent to the Resolution, except Micronesia, Philippines and Kenya. Micronesia in particular pleads for taking into consideration the specific needs of low incomes countries. The Resolution EB120.R.5 will finally be considered during next meeting of the Committee.
The Commission finally turned to the item 12.10 (Working towards universal coverage of maternal, newborn and child health interventions : biennial report). All countries presented the steps they have taken in this direction. The United States didn’t want to include the question of abortion in the report. The meeting closed at 13.00 ; seven countries will therefore take the floor next Monday on the same topic.

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